Through our executive coaching programs, we empower leaders to create transformational change that aligns with their personal and career goals. It’s important to note that in this context, you don’t need to have an executive title to be considered a leader. Rather, you define yourself as one according to the strategies and techniques by which you exert influence in your professional environment.
You might be a CIO of a healthcare technology solutions company, a CEO who runs a hospital, an Executive Director of a global pharmaceutical company, a Director within a hospital, or the leader of one or more small teams.
Through our executive coaching programs, we empower leaders to create transformational change that aligns with their personal and career goals. It’s important to note that in this context, you don’t need to have an executive title to be considered a leader. Rather, you define yourself as one according to the strategies and techniques by which you exert influence in your professional environment.
You might be a CIO of a healthcare technology solutions company, a CEO who runs a hospital, an Executive Director of a global pharmaceutical company, a Director within a hospital, or the leader of one or more small teams.
A strong relationship between client and coach is vital for an effective program. Relationships begin comfortably when two people have something significant in common as well as compatible communication and thinking styles. When there is a good match, the relationship grows and matures naturally.
Each time the client and coach meet, trust builds. Coach and client are peers, equals, working colleague to colleague in an atmosphere of mutual respect.
You can explore the possibility of working with us by scheduling a complimentary virtual chemistry meeting to determine if you would like to engage Linda Sinisi as your coach. If so, here’s what you can expect:
Comprehensive Coaching Experience
360 is designed for senior executives who:
This program delivers:
Targeted Solutions for Focused Results
Focus is designed for leaders who:
This program delivers:
This is our most popular program.
Ongoing Support for Continuous Growth
Mastery is designed for leaders who:
This program delivers:
During the first meeting, Linda will invite you to share stories about your work as well as any situations you are comfortable sharing. You may have an idea of the goals you’d like to focus on. It’s also natural to adjust or reprioritize these goals as your program progresses. Goals in coaching are key sources of:
Your Incentive to Act
What You Strive For
Yielding Effective, Efficient Performance
Consistent Successful Outcomes
You will work with your coach to customize a process that’s based on your preferred style of Discovery, Development, and Demonstration. As the client, you will lead the meetings that follow. Some clients prefer less structure and some prefer more. Your coach can provide tools for your consideration as a source of structure to meet your preferred style.
The expectation with executive coaching is that if you need to and want to achieve peak performance in any work environment of your choosing, you will accomplish goal setting, goal prioritization, self discovery, self development, demonstration and ultimately achievement, in alignment with your goals.
Our mission is to empower leaders, teams, and organizations to perform at their peak.